September 2, 2013

Fall Cleaning and Organizing

            In the spring, everyone is always focused on what cleaning they can do to freshen up their homes after the long, shut in winter. What we might forget to do is clean everything BEFORE we close up the house for winter. Oh sure, we’ll put our summer clothes away in a plastic tub or space bag and get our coats and winter things out. What about the rest of the house?

            Many experts (and Danny Tanner from Full House) agree that a good cleaning of your home should begin with cleaning out your cleaning products. If you have a cleaning products closet, cabinet, or multiple places, empty them all out and assemble your tools in one spot. Give away any cleaners you don’t use or look for a safe chemical drop-off in your community. The EPA often have them. If you can, switch to biodegradable cleansers that are safer for the environment, your family, and your pets. Many have a much safer vinegar base these days as opposed to ammonia. If you have a bag of rags or sponges, throw away ones you don’t use or are getting gross. You may be just spreading germs instead of cleaning them up!
            After you clear out what you’re not using, it’s time to organize! Put your most used cleansers (like Pledge, Windex, Ajax, a multi-cleaner, etc.) in an easy to grab caddy with a couple rags, paper towels, and sponges. Try using your vertical spaces, like the backs of doors, to store things like your Swiffer, broom/dustpan, mop, cobweb sweeper, etc. If you do have a broom closet, store your vacuum there as well or another easily accessible place. If you have extra hoses or attachments that don’t have a place on your vacuum unit, loop them on hooks.
            Now that your cleaning products are all set, it’s time to tackle your home! As mentioned above, most of us only take care of switching out our summer things for our winter things. We should take this opportunity to take a hard look at our closets and their contents. We tend to have a lot of things we meant to wear or forgot we even own taking up space in our packed closets. Now is a good time to have a friend over to help you objectively look at what you own and what you can get rid of. You are too attached to your clothes, which is why a third party can help you make the decision to get rid of your senior year prom dress where as you will be unable to get rid of it.
            Fall is also a great time to organize your photos and mementos after a long, (hopefully) memory and fun–filled summer. Whether you scrapbook, have actual printed out photos, or just folders upon folders of digital photos, it is important to keep what you want and get rid of unwanted clutter. That means that unflattering picture of you that you’ll never show anyone has to go! If you have printed out photos, try organizing them in an album by date, activity, or person(s) involved. That way you can find them when you want to relive all those warm memories in the cold of winter.
            Don’t forget to check out our website, Facebook, and Twitter for all the latest in news and events for NHS!

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