August 26, 2013

Natural Remedies for Summer Ailments

            Inspired by last week’s post about natural insect repellents, I thought we could talk about some other homemade and natural remedies and products. We are exposed to enough chemicals in life that sometimes it’s nice to just use a couple things from nature to change your situation!

            Sunburn is not only a painful reminder of how much fun we had, but can also be a significant health problem, both after it occurs and down the road. If it is a severe sunburn that looks like a traditional burn or is accompanied by dizziness, headache, or unconsciousness, seek medical attention immediately! But to ease the current pain, here is a couple of tips. Stand in a cool shower for about ten minutes. If you have some chamomile tea laying around, brew a cup and wait until it cools, then dab to burnt areas. Just like with traditional burns, apply aloe vera gel works well. You can either use an aloe plant if you have one or go to the store and get after-burn gel. Applying lavender oil to the burns will also work to ease healing, but only a drop or two is necessary. Drink plenty of water both in the sun and after a burn. You can also both ingest arnica and apply topically. Stay out of the sun for awhile after being burnt to allow healing time for your skin.

Heat Rash
            Heat rash is an uncomfortable, itchy condition that can happen when our sweat glands are blocked. The best way to avoid it is to limit exposure to heat and humidity. Wear light, cotton clothing and expose the affected areas to air. If you experience heat rash, dabbing the cool chamomile tea on the areas can help. You can also create a mixture of four lavender drops and one cup of baking soda and add it to a tepid bath.

Swimmer’s Ear
            If you know you are prone to swimmer’s ear, using ear plugs can be a life saver, as well as avoiding total body immersion in the water for extended periods of time. Mullein oil is specifically for middle-ear infections and it’s best to use it after swimming to avoid further complications. Garlic oil infusion can also be used for acute infections.

Mosquito Bites
            If you failed to use our tips from last week on deterring the mosquitoes, you are probably in an itchy situation! Lavender oil will ease the itching and swelling of the bites. Tea tree oil can also be used to avoid infection. Aloe vera gel will cool and soothe the redness. If you have scratched a bite and it left a scar, use vitamin E oil directly on the spot. Emu oil can also reduce the appearance of scarring and as a bonus works as a moisturizer and gives arthritis relief.

Car Sickness
            Long car trips can be a staple of a family’s summer vacation, especially with skyrocketing air travel costs. But if you have a member who doesn’t handle the road trip well, this can be unpleasant for everyone involved. Ginger has long been noted for its anti-nausea properties. Take a ginger tablet before getting in the car and every few hours during the trip to ward off the nausea. Crystallized ginger candy can also be used. The ginger will ward off the nausea and the sugar will keep blood sugar levels elevated.

            Here is a great resource for making your own cleaning products!

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