June 24, 2013

Home Rehab Loans

We talk a lot about weatherization as a way to improve your home’s quality, but there are other options out there. Neighborhood Housing Services of South Buffalo also offers a home rehab loan program!

The home rehab loan program is only available to our South Buffalo constituents (the South District is defined as south of the Buffalo River, situated within the municipal boundaries). This program is especially intended for major systems of the house (roof, heating, electrical, plumbing, etc.) and fixing code violations. Loan money will be used for code violations first, then major systems. It cannot be used for cosmetic projects such as putting in carpet or replacing linoleum tiles. There are various types of loans: fully amortized loans using various interest rates and terms, NHS of South Buffalo loan combined with a loan and/or grant from a public agency, and also any combination of the preceding. This program is called a "revolving loan" because the loan payments all go right back into the loan fund and create the possibility for even more loans. So the money goes out and comes right back in, like a revolving door.
To be eligible for the home rehab program, you must earn less than 80% of the area median income.
Household Size
Annual Income Limit

 The building must be owner occupied, typically 1-4 family properties. All loans exceeding $1,000 shall be secured by a mortgage. The maximum amount of the owner’s mortgage can’t exceed $15,000 and the term cannot exceed 30 years. The maximum term of the loan is 120 months (10 years). The interest rate will be calculated on a simple interest, periodic basis, ranging from 1% to the market rate. There is a $300 application fee charged once you qualify for the loan. Once qualified, the loan must still be approved by the loan committee. Loan funds and outstanding mortgages combined cannot exceed 80% of the assessed value of the house. Homeowners may apply for loans as needed. There is no maximum to how many times you may receive loans.
                For more information, contact our loan officer! You can reach Pamela Tait-Kwiatkowski at our South Park office (716) 823-3630, ext. 109.

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